1Face | Cancer

1Face | Cancer1Face is a company that I had heard about over a year ago. The company builds watches with colors that coordinated to different causes with the proceeds supporting change within each of them. At the time I looked in at the company and saw the need for funding for all of the causes but I did not personally relate to any particular one. I passed on buying one of their watches and filed it somewhere in my brain as a great cause that I would love to play a part in one day. Time went on and I seemed to have forgotten about the company. Until yesterday…
Yesterday I received the 1Face watch in Black, as a gift from a good friend. The black watch supports treatment for 8 cancer patients. Years ago for me this would have been a good looking watch attached to a cause, but today it’s a symbol of someone I lost. This December I lost one of my best friends to cancer, Jeff Stables. Jeff was my Young Life leader, my tennis coach, my mentor, my confidant, and my friend. Jeff had a heart that sought after the hurt, the weak, and the broken. He was your biggest cheerleader even if he just met you. I am blessed to have had such an incredible person in my life and to share so many incredible moments with him.
I know that this 1Face watch is just that. It’s a watch. It’s not a cure and it’s not going to bring Jeff back. What I also know is that Jeff is finally home, in Heaven.
These watches are a movement towards change. 1Face has given people the opportunity to change the world and believes it will happen one person at a time.

1Face says, “One person has the power to feed a child, quench a thirst and find a cure.”

I’m going to try to play a part in beating cancer one watch at a time.

1Face Causes

Pink = Breast Cancer. 14 watches, provides 1 mammogram.

Yellow = Water. 625 watches, builds 1 well in Rwanda.

Black = Cancer. 1 watch, provides support for 8 cancer patients.

Blue = Environment. 3 watches, provides 1 charcoal efficient stove in Haiti.

Red = AIDS. 5 watches, provides AIDS treatment for 1 month.

Grey = Hunger. 1 watch, feeds 16 children.

The watch I have is their base model, but they have two other new styles. A touchscreen version of the watch you see here, and a more elegant dress watch. All of these watches are colored to support the same causes, but to an even greater extent as you upgrade.1Face | Cancer
I have the pleasure of knowing that every person I have a conversation with over the watch will get to hear about Jeff. This watch is more than a donation to a charity for me, it’s an opportunity to speak about a person who changed my life forever. Every time someone confuses my watch for an iWatch I’ll be able to tell them about Jeff. A different city with Citizen Shade, a different venue, a different show and maybe that night I’ll just need to look at my watch to remember Jeff. Sometimes it will just serve as a reminder to me of my friend.1Face | Cancer 1Face | Cancer 1Face | Cancer
Check out the company and maybe you’ll find there is a cause that you feel led to support.

