Nikki and Josh Wedding
Nikki and Josh Wedding

Photo by John Ryan Flaherty

Have you ever realized the range of human emotion that music conveys?

From joy to sorrow, anger to peace, hate to love; we witness them all in music. I have been able to witness these from a performer’s perspective over the years as well. Nothing quite moves you as a musician like moving someone else. There are so many times where I have found music that resonates deep within me both instrumental and songs with words, but it is something else entirely to move someone else with your performance.

Over the past few weeks I have been given the opportunity to write pieces for wedding videos that a friend of mine has put together. I craft the pieces after I receive a few pictures and maybe a couple words about how the wedding felt. It is an honor to have a small part in making one of the biggest moments of a couples life that much more special. I have been allowed the chance to shape the way a video feels; to change the soundscape simultaneously alters the way a video is perceived. I think of Ben Parker saying, “With great power comes great responsibility.” What a privilege! Forever leave an imprint on the way that a family views their wedding.

I hope that you all have the chance to step into someone else’s moment and create something special for them. Sometimes I write for sorrow, for exuberance, for calmness, or for frustration. I have to say I quite enjoy writing for love.

Congrats to Nikki and Josh! (My piece begins around 3:30)

If you need music for your wedding film shoot me an email!



